
Throwing an Insect-Free Backyard Party

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Throwing an Insect-Free Backyard Party

Every once in a while we have friends and relatives who would want to get together to catch up, dine, and laugh with each other. Oftentimes, these are held in a restaurant, but most of the time it is held in your own backyard depending on who has the best space for the event. Just in case it is your turn to host the parties, you would want everyone to feel comfortable, happy, and safe from insects lurking in your backyard.

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So here is our ultimate list to make sure your friends and family will have an awesome evening at your place:

Quick Clean

Days ahead of the date of the party, be sure to clean your backyard by sweeping away dead leaves, moving dead branches, and drying puddles. Cleaning is one way to disturb the nested habitat of any insect. If you move the dead logs out of the way, the insects will be forced to go away because their space has been compromised.

Trim the greens

Yes, we suggest you trim your tree branches, grass, and bushes. Insects like to hide on tall grasses or unkempt bushes because it gives them a huge advantage against their natural predators. Spiders, in particular, love the tall grasses because they can build their webs without anybody noticing, even the birds that fly in the sky. The same goes for tree branches. A dead tree branch is an attractive place to nest for termites that are on the flight. It just checks out all the requirements perfect for a nest— undisturbed, moist, and enough source of food. If you think this is too big a job for one person, our team at Rocklin Pest Control can help you clear the way for potential nests of insects.

Ask for help

So, you have finished your quick yard clean-up and you notice a small hill in the middle of the ground. You are not sure what it is and would like to find out. A word of caution here!  If you see ant hills or wasp nests, do not attempt to get rid of them on your own. Call in the experts to help you be sure what kind of pests has been living with you. Our team at Rocklin Pest Control can come as soon as you make the call. Our prompt response is our guarantee to our customers.

Set the ambiance

You have successfully uprooted a wasp nest in the middle of your backyard, through the help of your pest control contractor. Now is the time to set the mood of your house. If you are planning a little shabby sheikh party with cute tea pots or a Coachella-themed evening with huge rags and throw pillows on the floor, be sure to protect your things from the soil. While the wasps have gone away, you’ll never know when ants would attack. But, if you would like to be sure that no ants or termites will join the party, give us a ring at Rocklin Pest Control and we can treat the soil for you just in time for you party.

Add fragrance

There are scents that are natural insect repellants but do not offend the nose like citronella, incense, or scented candles. These scents are potent enough to shoo away mosquitoes that threaten to feed on your guests while they enjoy the food and wine in your party. If you are holding your party in the summer, be sure to stock up well on citronella. Its scent is known best to get rid of mosquitoes and other bugs in the area.

Guard the food

There are food nets and colanders that you can use to make sure that flies do not gate crash your party. Flies are notoriously dirty. If they feed on your food, they will excrete all the germs that they carry in their body. You do not want your guests to take home diarrhea, an upset stomach, or a vomiting spree. If you do not have nets or covers be sure to light enough candles near the buffet table to make sure the flies do not invite themselves in.

Bug lanterns

If all else fails, there are electric bug lanterns that you can rent out or buy from your nearest department store. Or, you can get them from your reliable pest control contractors. Ask them what models or brands are most potent and will help keep your party from being a flop. The downside of this idea is the storage of bug lanterns. You don’t plan to have a backyard party every week, do you? Why not just call us and get rid of the bugs once and for all? That way, you won’t have to worry about it on your next party.

How to Have a Bug-Free, Pest-Free, and Insect-Free Outdoor Party

So, there you have it! These are only a few of the practical tips that we can share with you when hosting a bug-free party. Hopefully, these tricks will help you gain the host of the year award from your friends and family members. We hope that you have a fun and memorable event!

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